Saturday, September 25, 2010

A New Start--->with Art

Hello people who probably never follow me anymore because I am severely lacking in posts.
Like, my last post was in 2008. Wow.
I suck.
But wait!
Due to my college aptitude for having to whip things out(and a art blog i just found and am very envious of) i am starting afresh! I shall be posting everything I do in college, on the side, and maybe a few oldies until I can get the ball rolling.
So here's some starters from the past year before I whip out the noobs.

This here was my summer love. My charcoal lover. I loved working on this :) This was a caricature for my friend Zach, who happens to have the longest legs ever!
For my graduation, I made this little dude to set on my marvelously decorated table(courtesy of Genny Holmes)
Another collage, made for my friend Daniel who likes music and has a liking for strange words.

And at last, my award winner. This tall drink of water(or should I say frozen water?) won me two blue ribbons at various contests and a hefty sum of money. Gotta love winning money.

Anyways, I shall be posting all sorts of nifty sketches and such as soon as I can. And hopefully this time, I'll be able to be fairly regular!


Barb said...

welcome back to blogland! i'm glad we'll have the chance to see your new artwork as you go through college. keep up the posts, and hope all is going well :)

Genny said...

I will be a regular reader, of course. Thank you for posting stuff so we can see what we're paying for! :)